Crisis Resources Online
Includes links to resources for: Children Coping With Death and Grief; Youth Suicide and Children in War.
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The Association of Children's Hospices
The association brings together over 40 voluntary sector organisations in Great Britain dedicated to the care of terminally ill children.
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Providing care to patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
An excellent summary of some of the issues concerning death and ethnic minorities. Queensland Health (Australia).
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Death and Dying in Multicultural Perspective
Published by the State University of New York the site offers an extensive bibliography of articles but they are not available to open on line. (complied by Jacquelyn Coughlan)
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Wigan and Leigh Hospice: Helping children cope with the death of a loved one
Guidance for dealing with and suypporting children in this situation.
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Coping with grief - helping children cope with a death in the family.
The booklet was designed re: death due to traffic accidents but much of the information is relevant. It covers grief patterns, suggestions for supporting children, covers different age groups of children plus has links to useful organisations.
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Multicultural End-of-Life Care: Dying and Diversity
US site with some valuable insights. Including information for interpreters plus cross-cultural communication.
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Multicultural End-of-Life Care: Clinical Guidelines for a Multicultural Practice
US site with information on multi cultural practice. Emphasis on the individual and their beliefs.
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Hospice and Palliative Care Services in the UK and Republic of Ireland
Hospices listed by region.
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National Council for Hospice and specialist palliative care services
Includes online publications and links.
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Help with the cost of funerals: Home Office Guidelines
The attached guidance was issued to NASS caseworkers 2001, to assist them in dealing with request for help with funeral costs. There is no standard guidance issued to Environmental Health Departments: local authorities are able to develop their own practices. There is some general guidance on the DLTR web site. The NHS guidance is much more specific; the NHS Executive originally issued guidance to the NHS on dealing with patients who die in hospital in January 1992 (HSG(92)8), and this was supplemented in October 1997 with guidance setting out the minimum standards for funeral arrangements (HSG(97)43).
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Diversities in Approach to End-of-Life: a view from Britain of the qualitative literature. (2004)
Dr Kip Jones (An End of life Annotated Bibliography). Family involvement in end-of-life decision-making cannot be ignored and persons from a wide range of ethnic and/or racial backgrounds (including the white population) prefer family involvement. The usefulness of the evidence to research, policy and service-user circles contributes to the larger society's dialogue on death and dying more generally, encouraging participation in the common habitus through consideration of individual and
group differences. Annotated Bibliography (PDF slow to download)
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Grief and Children
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. A brief on the reactions, actions and feelings of children coping with grief.
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Children and Youth Health: Coping with Loss
Aimed at children but useful site for parents and carers dealing with children and their grief. Click on 'C' in the topic menu and go to 'Coping with Change: Loss and Grief'.
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