NHS Direct: sickle cell disease
Click on 'S', scroll down to 'sickle cell' and click, to locate other languages, see the left hand column.
Link [Last update: 2007-04-19; 12:27]
The Sickle Cell Society
The Sickle Cell Society is an African Caribbean health charity based in London. The website is continually updated to provide a valuable resource for news, health issues, events, research, and membership. A valuable resource.
Link [Last update: 2007-04-19; 12:28]
The management of sickle cell disease (US)
This comprehensive guide is intended for health care workers involved in the management of patients with sickle cell disease. There are chapters on the management of problems involving acute and chronic organ damage, transfusion therapy, contraception and therapy, surgery and anaesthesia, sickle cell trait, and recent advances in experimental theory. Published by the national heart, lung and blood institute of the USA National Institute of Health.
Link [Last update: 2007-04-19; 12:29]
The Haemophilia Society
The society works to secure the best possible care, treatment and support for people, and their families, with haemophilia or a related bleeding disorder. They provide information, advice and support services relevant to people with haemophilia, von Willebrand's and related disorders.
Link [Last update: 2007-04-19; 12:31]
The UK Thalassaemia Society
This society offers education, counselling to sufferers and carriers and brings together patients, families and well-wishers to exchange ideas, offer support and information.
Link [Last update: 2007-04-19; 12:32]
Organisation for Sickle Cell Anaemia Research (OSCAR)
OSCAR is a small voluntary organisation registered as a charitable trust whose aims and objectives are: to improve public and professional awareness of Sickle Cell Disease;
to advise and support affected people and their families. Click on link below and type 'sickle cell' in search.
Link [Last update: 2007-04-19; 12:33]
TASC: the Unit for the Social Study of Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell
TASC undertakes social research on issues relating to sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia; provides educational opportunities for those wishing to undertake social studies on thalassaemia or sickle cell within higher education. Provides consultancy in areas such as education, social services, housing, employment, insurance, health service provision to work towards ending discrimination against those living with sickle cell anaemia or thalassaemia. Provides a gateway to other organizations around the world concerned with thalassaemia or sickle cell anaemia.
Link [Last update: 2007-04-19; 12:34]