- Definitions of torture
- Refugee issues
- Asylum seeking in the UK
- Torture and physical health
- Torture and psychological health
- Women who have been tortured
- Children who have been tortured
- Torture treatment centres in UK
- Torture treatment centres in other countries
- Articles on torture for background reading
- Articles/leaflets concerning post traumatic stress
Asylum seekers and refugees in Britain (articles from the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture)
A. Burnett and M. Peel.
Asylum seekers and refugees in Britain (a series of three articles).
British Medical Journal 2001;322:485-488 (24 February); 544-547 (3 March); and 606-609 (10 March).
Link [Last update: 2006-01-16; 13:10]
Skin Camouflage
British Red Cross provides a free skin camouflage service for men, women and children through a medical referral from a consultant or GP. The British Red Cross Skin Camouflage Service is available nationally in the Dermatology Department of hospitals, in GP surgeries, or our own branch offices.
Please contact your local British Red Cross Branch for further information - you can find the details in the 'Where we are' section.
Link [Last update: 2006-01-16; 13:13]
Asylum Support
The site offers a comprehensive list of links to relevant articles and sites.
Link [Last update: 2006-01-16; 13:14]