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Communicate - multilingual appointment card

Local resources - UK database of important local resources

Harp Mental Health and Well-being Resource - website for health professionals involved in assisting asylum seekers and refugees

Marie Stopes International

MSI is a global partnership that currently works in over 30 countries offering the full range of reproductive services. These include contraception, male and female sterilisation, abortion and health screening plus obstetric and primary health care.

Link [Last update: 2006-01-16; 12:28]

Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions (Book)

Author: Daniel C. Maguire
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Press
ISBN: 0800634330
Click on link below for details and reviews.

Link [Last update: 2006-01-16; 12:48]

Beliefnet: What do world religions believe about abortion?

Includes beliefs of: Baha'i, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Unitarianism and the various demoninations of Christianity.

Link [Last update: 2006-01-16; 12:49]

Abortion: Current beliefs by various religions and secular groups.

A US site with some useful information.

Link [Last update: 2006-01-16; 12:49]

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